Saturday, January 26, 2008


It's amazing what God can do with the choices we make. 6 months ago I thought I was going to be in Brazil, and here I am in little ol' Grass Valley, California. I knew that I would be stretched here, and that I would grow and change but I never really understood how much. God has been doing amazing things, and I have been learning so incredibly much.

The team has been doing really well... we have been working hard to keep our focus on the important things and less on our own issues. It will never be perfect but if we keep our minds and hearts set on what's above than we will touch many lives here. Lately I've been praying for God to use me in any way possible, and he has been.

We have been volunteering at a place called the Hospitality House, hanging out with the homeless. We usually take turns on Sunday nights going downtown to the Catholic church where they stay overnight. I have grown to really care for some of the people there. There is one man in particular who has really touched my heart. His name is Paul and he is very unique indeed. Most of the homeless we encounter are either alcoholics, into drugs, or content with where they are- Paul is quite the opposite. He's looking into getting a job as a truck driver, and his faith in the Lord is so strong that it makes me reevaluate myself at times. He has been ignored, rejected, and looked down upon by so many people.. including (or more appropriately, ESPECIALLY) Christians, but he still searches for the good in people. This past Sunday night, my friend Leeland and I went to the church to hang out- and spent nearly 3 hours talking with Paul. Towards the end of our time together he said to us... "If I had eaten nothing at all today, and had no place to sleep tonight I would still feel filled because of talking to you". If that's not what this is all about then I don't know what is.
I'm finally beginning to learn what being a true disciple is all about. It's not about going to the church building every Sunday... or having small group on Tuesday, game night on Friday, and Bible studies in between. (Although all those things are very important and very necessary...). But it's about being Jesus to people, and recognizing Jesus in them. It's about loving the way God loves, and not the way society has taught us to. It's about sharing what we know through not only our words but especially our actions.

God has been so good to me, in so many ways... with the house I live in, the food I eat, the friends I have, even the shoes and socks on my feet. I take advantage of these things daily... when there are people like Paul who struggle to eat one meal each day. God is slowly opening my eyes to the need that's all around me, and I know that with the work that we are doing here, we are barely causing a ripple... but it's a start.

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