Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jesus was homeless

One of my favorite things here is when I get to spend time with the homeless. It has always been something I've desired to do, but I never realized how much it would open my eyes to different things.
I have grown to really care for these people that I have spent so much time with. It's not always easy, but I have realized that one thing that they all (well.. every human being) have in common is that they want to be acknowledged and treated with respect just like any other person. Some of them even put on a facade with people and don't show their true selfs until they see that they are actually cared for.

There's this older man named Chips who every time he sees us he cracks a joke or shows us a little trick with some coins. I wasn't even sure if he was "all there" or not, but I always really enjoyed seeing him. On Sunday night I was playing Sudoku and he came over to make fun of me (like usual). I ended up tearing out a page for him, and he sat down and started showing me little puzzles and tricks. After a while of that, he started talking about God and about how even though he's alone he's not lonely because God is always there with him. He went on to say that homeless people just want to be treated like people. They just want to be acknowledge on the streets... to be said hello to... to be seen as human beings just like everyone else. It was the first time Chips had opened up to us like that. He gave me some of the best advice you could give a person- and asked that if we were to pass on anything it would be this; to live each moment to the fullest and not to be anxious for the future or because of the past because you never know which second could be your last. I felt like God was speaking to me through this crazy 9-fingered old man. This man that most people don't give the time of day to just because he lives on the streets. It's heartbreaking to see that these children of God are treated less than human because of where they live. I'm guilty of it too.. of passing judgment on someone I see in the streets just because they are dirty and push a shopping cart around. I don't know their story until I know them, and I have spent time with some of the most beautiful people I have ever met, and have shared some beautiful moments with them. Like reading the Bible with Brandon, and hearing Stephen's stories, and playing the guitar with Paul.

They're pretty special people, and I have been so blessed to get to spend so much time with them. I hope that whoever is reading this gets a little better look into the soul of some of God's most beautiful children... and the next time you pass someone in the streets that you normally wouldn't even think twice about.. say hello, give them a smile, maybe even take some time out of your busy schedule to stop and see how they are doing.

And remember.... Jesus was homeless too.

1 comment:

el Bea said...

so nice to read :,)